Each year Slow Food Santa Fe has an annual dinner. Everyone brings a home- made something and the talking and eating goes on for hours. And this year's get-together was no exception. It truly celebrated the art of slow food. Between courses the Santa Fe delegates to Terra Madre 2010 - held in Torino, Italy - presented a wonderful slide show about their experience, and Slow Food board members hosted tables and lively discussions on what events to plan during the coming year. Everyone had a grand time. The following photos tell the story so much better than words. First the food. It was endless & delicious -
Oh, did I mention the theme was Italian?
And everything was nicely labeled.
And, yes there were desserts.
Decorations were simple...
Everyone was asked to wear one of these clever buttons for a week to raise awareness about Slow Food Santa Fe.
There was a raffle.
And lots of happy folks.
And we learned all about the extraordinary gathering at Terra Madre.
Photography by C. Whitney-Ward
This wonderful dinner is just the beginning of a fun year of Slow Food Santa Fe events. Make sure you're on our mailing list!