

Dear Slow Food Santa Fe:

What a day for American children and parents - today Congress signed into law the first significant improvements to child nutrition and school lunches. I wanted to write to you to say thank you and congratulations - this wouldn't have been possible without a movement mobilized to make our food better for all.

Over 160,000 of you stood up for child nutrition. Whether you signed our petition, emailed or called your legislators, attended one of over 300 'Eat Ins' in all 50 states, donated to the Time For Lunch campaign, or even talked to your neighbors about the issue, your actions will mean children across the country get safer, healthier food. At a time when we know that the food we feed our children will cause one in three of them to develop diabetes, and when obesity levels are at an all-time high, this legislation is an important step towards creating a better future for American children.

This is what happens when people come together to take action on the issues they care about. In the end this Bill is far from perfect, and has involved large compromises, but this is a great achievement towards our end goal of making kids healthier.For months, this law hung on a knife's edge as powerful opponents tried to prevent its passage. In the end, the actions of you and people like you meant Congress could no longer ignore the will of the people, and could stand up to the powerful interests pressuring them to kill this bill.

Today, Congress helped make children healthier. Congratulations to you, and to all our partners in our 'Time For Lunch' campaign. Please share your thoughts on our blog.

Thanks for making it happen,

Josh Viertel, President Slow Food USA

PS - If you'd like to donate to help make sure our movement is always mobilized to stand together to defend the values we share, please click here - none of this would be possible without your support: Donate Here!